Kashmir famous morning dish harisa shop opens in Nawakadal
Zargar Zahoor
The onset of winter makes us crave for spicy foods with an extra dash of fat. Harissa, one such dish cooked in Srinagar that not only announces the onset of winter in the valley, but adds to our craving for spicy, fatty, and delicious combination. Harissa is not just a dish but it signifies both life and ritual in the entire valley of Kashmir. A few dozen Harissa shops, mainly in old Srinagar, located mostly in Alikadal and adjoining areas begin a routine that lasts till March. Cold weather demands extra calories to keep ourselves warm. Harissa,a high-calorie delicacy and good source of protein is prepared mainly with mutton, rice, or wheat with special condiments. Although it requires long hours of preparation and is costly still people don’t mind buying it because of its unique taste. People throng to Harissa shops early morning to get fresh Harissa. The dish is to be eaten early morning with Kashmiri bread.A person who eats Harissa once will never forget its mouth-watering taste. Harissa is part and parcel of our culture spreading its fame to overseas as well.
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