Upgrade requisite infrastructure
The up-gradation of the medical facilities in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir should be the priorities of the Administration. Keeping in view present scenario several initiatives needs to be taken up by the government in order to mitigate the health-related problems of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana has proved quite lucrative for the people of Jammu and Kashmir right from its launch in December 2018. It provides a comprehensive financial protection of five lakhs per family for a target of 6.13 lakh families. Since role of doctors is pivotal in every society their job is manifold. “They need to ensure best treatment to sick and bring further improvement in the health care facilities. Proper implementation and robust PHC services will take India closer to achieve health-related SDGs. On one hand, the comprehensive PHC system will reduce dependency on secondary and tertiary care, reduce country’s disease burden, and reduce expenditure on countering diseases; on the other hand, it will increase job opportunities, the better overall health of the nation, and contribute to economic growth. Most significantly, while providing equal access to quality healthcare across strata of society, the system will prevent people from plunging into poverty due to out-of-pocket expenses. While the government decision of transforming PHC centres into HWCs, followed by a National Health Protection Scheme at the secondary and tertiary level, is a step in the right direction, the transformation in the health scenario will require considerable administrative willingness and effort. Investing in health governance is to ensure that a transparent and accountable system is developed, which has multiple stakeholder participation for stronger health advocacy at various regional and community levels. The creation of a strong human resource is essential for strengthening the health system. Conceiving and implementing effective models of imparting health education and ensuring skill training competence are important steps in the building of a strong health workforce. Health Insurance provides us with the ability to afford better healthcare facilities for ourselves and our loved ones. Having health insurance is important for several reasons. Uninsured people receive less medical care and less timely care, they have worse health outcomes, and lack of insurance is a fiscal burden for them and their families. Moreover, the benefits of expanding coverage outweigh the costs for added services. Safety-net care from hospitals and clinics improves access to care but does not fully substitute for health insurance.
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