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Latest - State - August 19, 2020

Step to solution


We are a society of people with double-standards as far as our attitude towards women is concerned; our thoughts and preaching are different than our actions. The root cause of gender inequality in Indian society lies in its patriarchy system. Our country is very tolerant, but there are people who spread ill-will. Those who speak of breaking up this vast country, such people are present in all religions. A sense of security comes from the justice system, which should ensure speedy justice, and from elected representatives who should raise their voice when something goes wrong. Unfortunately, there are some people who spread negativity and hatred. Whenever people try to divide, “we should become alert. Rising intolerance, hate crimes and moral policing can “seriously damage” and hamper India’s economic growth. One must not lose sight of the massive impoverishes plaguing our nation which can seriously damage the pace of growth going forward and prevent us from realising our potential. People from around the world with different cultures are found living in a peaceful manner. Here, the Hindus, the Sikh, the Christians, the Muslims, the Jews, the Buddhists, the Jains and the Parsee(Parsi community) live abreast of each other. They all celebrate religious festivals with great enthusiasm. The spoken language of one state is quite different from that of another. They wear different types of garments. They celebrate different festivals and perform varied religious rites. People belonging to diverse cultures belong to different religious faiths. In spite of these diversities, Indians feel a sense of unity and oneness among them. The dwindling female folk in Jammu and Kashmir should have been a matter of grave concern for the people who matter in the state, particularly the ones who champion the cause of gender equality. The gender differential still exists both in rural and urban areas but it is comparatively higher in rural areas. This can be attributed to a number of factors viz lack of access to schools, parents feeling insecure about sending girl children to schools, their engagement in agricultural and other domestic activities etc. Women have made great strides in the workplace, but inequality persists. We proud Indians of the 21st century rejoice in celebrations when a boy is born, and if it is a girl, a muted or no celebration is the norm. Different people can have different values. Values can never be wrong. If someone’s set of values contradicts or differs with yours that doesn’t mean they are wrong.

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