Mehbooba claims she was detained at home by authorities for third time in fortnight
Srinagar: PDP president Mehbooba Mufti on Wednesday claimed that authorities detained her at her Gupkar Road residence here for the third time in a fortnight.”Illegally detained today for the third time in less than a fortnight. Too much democracy indeed. If my movements are curbed due to ‘security concerns’ then why are BJP ministers allowed to campaign freely in Kashmir while I’ve been asked to wait until the culmination of DDC elections?” Mehbooba tweeted. Officials, however, did not comment on the claim. Mehbooba had claimed on Tuesday that she was not allowed to leave her residence as she wanted to visit Budgam district to meet the families who have been evicted from a forest land by the authorities. The former chief minister also uploaded an image of a letter purportedly written by the Budgam district authorities to the Special Security Group (SSG) that protects her.”In view of the prevailing security scenario and recent inputs received from intelligence agencies regarding the movement of terrorist groups in the subject area, it is requested that the tour programme of the VIP may be deferred till the culmination of the (DDC) elections,” the letter sent on Tuesday to the SSG Director reads. The letter suggests that the SSG had informed the district administration about Mehbooba wanting to visit Budgam district on Wednesday. The election to the District Development Councils (DDC) is underway in Jammu and Kashmir.
DC Srinagar finalizes arrangements for observance of upcoming Meraj-un-Nabi (SAW)
Srinagar, Jan 23: In connection with observance of upcoming Meraj-un-Nabi(SAW) 1446 Hijri…