Home Latest CEO ERA,JTFRP reviews progress of work on Rs 103 crore Upgradation/ Revamping of the 49 De-Watering pump stations in Srinagar
Latest - State - July 9, 2020

CEO ERA,JTFRP reviews progress of work on Rs 103 crore Upgradation/ Revamping of the 49 De-Watering pump stations in Srinagar

Inspects progress of work on the Construction of Rs 12.5 crore Composite Market Centre at Govt Silk Factory Rajbagh


Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed Shah toady reviewed the progress of the work on the upgradation /revamping of 49 de-watering stations in Srinagar which is being undertaken under the component of restoration of the urban flood management of the World Bank-funded JTFRP (Jhelum Tawi Flood Recovery Project). The work on the Rs 103 crores project is being executed by the Srinagar Municipal Corporation as the PIU (Project Management Unit) for the project.
Ahsanul Haque,S.E , SMC informed CEO, JKERA/JTFRP that work on the majority of the dewatering stations is underway at present with appreciable progress achieved on the civil component while as formalities for the procurement of the electro-mechanical components which compromise major part of the project have also been started and same will be finalized by Sept 2020. He said under the component SMC has also procured 12No. high capacity diesel engine pumps at a cost of Rs 2.75 crores, 8 No vehicles for ferrying of pumps at a cost Rs 85 lacs, wastewater testing equipment’s at a cost of Rs 58 lacs and has also undertaken the fabrication of the emergency response vehicles at a cost of Rs48 lacs.
Dr. Syed Abid Rasheed directed the officers of the SMC to ensure that all the encumbrances encountered for the work on the up-gradation/ revamping of 49 –dewatering stations be resolved forthwith and work on the project be completed within the stipulated timeframe.
CEO, ERA/JTFRP later inspected the progress of work on the construction of Rs 12.5 crore Composite Market Centre for the whole chain Silk activity at Govt. Silk Factory, Rajbagh. During the site inspection Basharat Kawoosa, Director Technical, JTFRP informed that the building having a plinth area of 15,000 sft is G+ 1structure which will have a state of art showroom for the exposition of the silk products being manufactured at the Govt. Silk Factory, Rajbagh and also separate space for the office use while as the latest equipments which includes the Twisters used for the preparation of the quality silk yarn and latest silk weaving machines will be installed in the 1st floor of the building . These equipments will also be provided under the World Bank-funded JTFRP and the unique feature of these equipments is that a single worker can operate two or more equipments simultaneously. CEO ERA/JTFRP directed the contractor and engineers to make use of the traditional designs and environmental friendly materials for the finishing works of the building on which 80% progress has been achieved as on date. He also asked the contractor to complete work on the building by Nov, 2020 Dr. Syed Abid was also shown various stages of the silk production at the factory by the officers of Industries & Commerce Dept. Iftikhar Hakim, Director Planning &Coordination, JTFRP, Officers of the I&CD, SICOP, and consultants engaged for the adaptive re-use of the Rajbagh Silk Factory also accompanied CEO, ERA/JTFRP during the site visit.
Later in the day CEO ERA/JTFRP also reviewed the progress of work on the sub-projects being executed by the R&B, Kashmir as PIU (Project Management Unit) for the World Bank-funded JTFRP. Rafique Ahmad Rafique S.E, R&B, Kashmir informed that 22 sub-projects with a cumulative cost of Rs 233 crores are being executed by the R&B, Kashmir and these include the construction of (05) vital bridges, Way Bridge, Chamgund Bridge, Wachi Bridge, Kaliban bridge and Sadoora spread across the valley, construction of the (05) building for higher education department at Govt. Degree College Bemina, Amar Singh Degree College Srinagar, Women’s Degree College,M.A road Srinagar, Govt. Degree College , Bijbehara, Govt Degree College for Women, Anantnag, Construction of the state of art additional block of Bone and Joint Hospital at Barzulla, Srinagar , construction of building for Fire and Emergency Dept. at Batmaloo and construction of 29 school buildings throughout the valley.
He further informed that designs for the (05) bridges have been sent to NIT, Srinagar for getting the designs vetted and till date designs for two bridges Wachi and Kaliban have been vetted by the NIT, Srinagar. He added that work on the construction of additional blocks at (04) higher education buildings and various schools buildings is also underway.
Dr. Syed Abid directed the officers of the R&B to immediately start work on the construction of the additional block at Bone & Joint Hospital, Barzulla and expedite the finalization of the designs/ environmental/social safeguard documents for all the (05) bridges on priority so that work on these vital projects is kick started without any further delay.

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