Managing Covid-19 infodemics
DCs/ CMOs directed to keep vigil on misinformation/ fake news against vaccination
Srinagar: The authorities in Kashmir Valley have directed deputy commissioners and chief medical officers to keep a vigil on misinformation and fake news about COVID-19 vaccination.Documents reveal that divisional commissioner P.K. Pole has directed Director Health Services Kashmir, deputy commissioners and chief medical officers of Kashmir region to counter misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination.“The divisional commissioner Kashmir directed all districts to keep vigil on false information and fake news against vaccination campaign on social media, print media as well as electronic media. And such type of rumours/ misinformation must be timely rebutted at appropriate forum,” reads minutes of the meeting held on June 01 by divisional commissioner to review issues related to COVID1-19 in the region.It is worthwhile to mention that deputy commissioner Srinagar has written to Financial Commissioner, Health & Medical Education department seeking action over Dr Nisar-ul- Hassan’s statement that people allergic to any ingredient of Covid vaccine should not receive the jab.“The said statement has created apprehensions among general public about the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, such kind of un-scientific, un-researched statements lead to erosion of faith in the medical science and dampen the efforts to vaccinate the targeted population. Moreover any scientific judgment in these matters should emanate only from the authorized person/sources having command over the subject,” reads the letter from DC.
Crime Branch books teacher and Ex-PHE employee for getting Govt jobs by using fake qualification certificates
Jammu: Crime Branch (CB) has booked a Teacher and an Ex-PHE employee for getting governmen…